
Color in Design

One of the most important elements in creating a specific ambiance is how we use color. Whether in the home, for a party, a conference, or in advertising, selection of the right colors is key in creating the right emotion. Color activates the emotions  To most...

St. Pete, Florida: A Perfect Event Locale

Just when the majority of the United States is in the grip of never-ending snowstorms, there is one state that seems to avoid the trend. Though the freeze has even found its way to the deep South, Florida remains free of these back-to-back winter storms, with...

Tailoring Unique Experiences from Rio to Miami

As TOCA Events prepares for the Rio Summer Games 2016, we are digging deep into our local resources to tailor a huge variety of events and activities for our visiting clients and their guests. Making this a once-in-a-lifetime experience is what gives each event its...

Helping Employees Bond Within Corporate Culture

When our corporate clients hold an event the purpose is clear: disseminating new information and modalities for the company and rewarding employees for their good work. This is usually the motive behind meetings that also serve as a powerful way to bring company members together. [caption...

Enjoying the Music Scene in St. Pete

Located in Western Florida on the beautiful Tampa Bay, St. Petersburg is experiencing a renaissance, and amidst this cultural wave is an emerging music scene that is quickly gaining international momentum. With our TOCA offices in South Florida, it is always a pleasure for us...

TOCA’s Unique Sports Marketing Solutions

Most sports fans show up at an event to enjoy the game and to add their energy to help their team win. The focus is on the action, and all the rest is usually taken for granted. Creating a good sporting event is an art form, with...

The Fine Art of Flower Arrangement

Even the hardest of hearts will open before the presence of beautiful flowers. Touching us in the deepest way, their inherent magic penetrates our psyches, lifting us up on the darkest days and granting us continuing joy on the brightest. It is more than apparent to...

The Fine Art of Event Lighting

Lighting creates an atmosphere. When it’s right, it ignites the emotions, sets the mood, and offers direction. Just think of the full moon in a midnight sky shining over a lake. Creating the ultimate romantic setting, it also asks us to look out at the...

A Day in the Life of an Event Company

Creating an event is a many layered thing. No company knows this better than TOCA. From sports hospitality to experiential activities, corporate incentive settings, sponsor-based fabrications, and more, our mission is to construct a unique and exciting experience for everyone involved. Capturing the Client For the TOCA...

Tips On Hosting Your Indoor Tea Party, TOCA Event Style

TOCA Events is used to giving parties. From a mere handful of people to thousands of guests, we create everything from intimate breakfasts to over-the-top bashes, and we love every minute of helping to spread the joy wherever we can. In this spirit, we are always...