
The Burgeoning Dance Scene in Cuba

Having recently returned from an inspiring trip to Cuba, we were deeply affected by the spirit of the people there.  Their profound love of life, indomitable spirit, and a fierce energy filled with the joy and lust for making the most of each day is ubiquitous in...

Dining Out of Our Comfort Zone

Dining out of our comfort zone often occurs when we're traveling to places where we are unfamiliar with the language.  Trying out foods and flavors  on a hunch or recommendation  is one of the best ways to discover the nuances of a culture, as well as to...

The Transformation of Rio’s Favelas

Favelas first appeared in Rio in the 19th century where they were built by soldiers with nowhere to live.  Also called "barrios Africanos," the favelas were home to  former slaves with no claim to land or work. Then came the 1970's when the migration of people from the...

The Quintessential Fashion of Rio

There's something in the air in Rio de Janeiro that no other city on earth shares. It is a combination of the deep and burning sensuality that comes from the city's history, combining  Portuguese, French, and African roots with an electrified atmosphere that the landscape itself...